Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pass/Fail Questions

Hey all! We're trying to construct some changes to the current pass/fail policy in Trinity (initially), and we would love to get some feedback.

For Trinity, the current policy is essentially:

1. You cannot take classes P/F until you have declared your major.
2. You cannot take any T-Reqs or Major/Minor/Certificate/Prereqs at Duke P/F.
3. You have to declare P/F status before drop-add ends.
4. You can only take 2 full-credit classes P/F at Duke.

Which of these standards would you benefit most from changing? What classes would you want to take P/F and why?

Please leave a comment or email me at Thanks to all, and I'll keep you updated!



Thursday, November 6, 2008

Syllabus Archive

I've got to run to class, so this will be quick, but the Syllabus Archive is now up! Check it out, send in your syllabi, and let us know what you think. 

Academic Love,


Saturday, November 1, 2008

ACS presents...Kville Online

Okay I guess I’ll step in here since I can see this is quickly becoming the Academic Affairs blog. There’s a lot going on in the world of Athletics and Campus Services this semester, as the development of New Campus creates space for new ideas and brings into review a lot of old ones. ACS has a dozen projects in the works, ranging from bringing students to away games to changing the dining plan structure for freshmen.

But you didn’t come here for a list of awesome ACS projects (or did you? Is anyone even reading this?). You can find those on our website. Today, let’s talk Kville.

First, does everyone know that tenting season is short this year? It’s a little more than a month long, which should come as a great relief to those still thawing from three months of Kville last year. It’s always nice to host the first rivalry game.

I am proud to release, the new online home of Kville tenting. The site is the lovechild of Head Line Monitor Joel Burill, ACS Senator Vivek Upadhyay, and web guru Andrew Tutt. While the website is still in development, you can already find all of the tenting policies and a forum for tenting discussion right on the site. It’s easy to navigate and easy on the eyes. Right now we’re working on integrating the Crazies Counter into the website, which will let you see how many people are already waiting in line for a basketball game. In the future, we’ll be posting testimonials from tenting veterans so prospective Kville residents can learn what to pack and hopefully sort fact from fiction.

Joel and I met with Phil and Scott from Facilities on Friday and worked out the details of Kville cleanup (FMD will make their sweep at around 7am each morning). Line Monitors will help take out full trash bags and replace them with new ones during the day. At our request, FMD is making sure there is an ample supply of new trash bags hanging from each trashcan (NOT in the bottom of the can—no one wants to reach all the way into an empty trashcan to grab a new bag). After meeting with a handful of administrators who would love to see Kville disappear forever, it was nice to hear Phil and Scott—the guys who actually clean up the place—so supportive of it.

I think Kville is going to be a great success this year. At the very least, it’s going to be shorter!