Monday, April 20, 2009

New By-Laws

Interested in how DSG works? Awesome.

We just passed new Senate and Executive By-Laws to bring the By-Laws up to date with the recently passed constitution. They replace the former Legislative and Cabinet By-Laws. They make significant improvements and are available on the DSG website if you'd like to read them.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at and I'll do my best to answer you!

Two Important Individuals...

At the last meeting of the Senate, we elected two INCREDIBLY important individuals:

1) The Chief Justice - Matt Straus ( If you would like the judiciary to look into any DSG action, please let Matt know.

2) The Chair of the Student Organization Finance Committee - David Hu ( David is your go to man for all questions relating to money or budgeting. He's more than happy to help you if you have questions.

Board of Trustee Reps

Hey All,
Here are the new BoT student reps to committees for the 2009-2010 school year. Feel free to email any of them with your concerns!

* Representatives:
o Facilities and Environment Committee:
+ Eric Kaufman, Trinity '10,
o Institutional Advancement Committee:
+ Zachary Perret, Trinity' 10,
o Undergraduate Affairs Committee:
+ Gregory Morrison, Trinity' 11,
o Business and Finance Committee:
+ Gabriela Borges, Trinity '10,

* Alternates:
o Facilities and Environment Committee:
+ Michael Lefevre, Trinity '11,
o Institutional Advancement Committee:
+ Megan Foran, Trinity '10,
o Undergraduate Affairs Committee:
+ Bethany Hill, Trinity '10,
o Business and Finance Committee:
+ Bennet Grill, Trinity '10,