Monday, July 6, 2009

Vice President Brown Resigns

Hello All,

On Monday, June 29, Andrew Brown, Trinity '11, resigned his position as Vice President for the Inter-Community Council, effective immediately.

His email to DSG exec is as follows:

I am writing to formally resign as Vice President for the Inter-Community Council. I have decided to attend Duke in New York: Financial Markets and Institutions Program in the Spring of 2010. Since I will be in New York this Spring, I will not be able to carry out the responsibilities of my position. I have thought about this decision for quite awhile now, and I do not take it lightly. However, this is the best decision for me personally at the moment. I was not aware of the Duke in New York program before being elected, otherwise I would not have run. I regret that I will not get to be a part of this year's exciting Executive Board, and I wish you all the best of luck.

Andrew Brown

We'll keep you posted about any developemnts regarding Andrew's replacement.

- Gregory, Executive Vice President