Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Election Results!!

Hello All,

The election results from Monday's election have been certified by the Election Commission, released to the Chronicle and again verified by the Attorney General. They are as follows:

For the four referendum questions:

Reform of the Judiciary: Passed, 93.75% voting in favor
Incorporation of DUSDAC: Passed, 95.87% voting in favor
Removing the Vice President of the ICC: Passed, 84.56% voting in favor
Creating a Gender Neural Constitution: Passes, 80.77% voting in favor

Freshman Senate Winners (2013)
o Academic Affairs: Ari Ruffer and Kenneth Gould
o Athletics and Campus Services: Cameron Oswalt and Douglas Hanna
o Durham and Regional Affairs: Chris Brown and Gordon Wilson
o Student Affairs: Molly Superfine and Gurdane Bhutani
Junior Senate Winners (2011)
o Academic Affairs: Dmitri Jean and Matt Stansky
o Athletics and Campus Services: Ben Bergmann and Kendyl Tash
o Durham and Regional Affairs: Lauren Kottis and Danielle Starks
Senior Senate Winners (2010)
o Academic Affairs: Daniel Lewin and Kristen Yang
o Student Affairs: Steven McAlpine
Special Secretary for the ICC
o Amanda Turner (757 to 628)

Turnout was 27%

Thanks for participating in your democracy!

- Gregory

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Elections Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

Fall elections are tomorrow! Poll will be open from 7am until 8pm. On the ballot will be the following important items:

8 Freshman Senate Seats, 8 Junior Senate Seats, and 5 Senior Senate Seats.

Additionally we'll vote for a SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE YOUNG TRUSTEE PROCESS. This position will make recommendations to the Senate on how the reform the Young Trustee Process; making it MORE TRANSPARENT.

Finally, FOUR Referendums are on the ballot:

1. REFORMING THE JUDICIARY, making it independent and creating separation of powers.

2. BRINGING DUSDAC INTO DSG, to guarantee that their dining recommendations will have the weight of the student body behind them in the future.

3. DISSOLVING THE OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT FOR THE ICC, so that the ICC (a council of student organization presidents) can be an independent voice on campus.
Both ICC and DSG support this move.

4. MAKING THE CONSTITUTION GENDER-NEUTRAL, to make the student body's governing document more inclusive.

Please vote. We need 25% of the student body to vote for the referendums to be valid. Please read the oped written by Exec that ran this past Friday: http://media.www.dukechronicle.com/media/storage/paper884/news/2009/09/11/Columns/Guest.Commentary.A.Yes.Vote.Is.Key.To.A.Better.Dsg-3768784.shtml

Thanks everyone!