Thursday, January 29, 2009

Majors' Union Round Table

Hey yall,

This is Cynthia Chen, a senator on the Academic Affairs Committee (we like posting). Just wanted to let yall know what I'm up to this semester.

AA has been working hard this year to jumpstart Majors' Unions around campus; we wanted to create some kind of uniformity between the majors, since some majors have them, some don't, some used to, etc. Among many other things, we think Majors' Unions have the potential to be invaluable resources for students to receive mentorship from other students in their majors, to network, to voice curricular concerns to administration, and just to interact with other students studying the same things they are.

Along with Michael and Price, two other AA senators, my project this semester (originally Chelsea's) is to organize a Majors' Union Round Table in late February (probably Feb. 23rd - more details to come) where all the student leadership of existing and newly-forming Majors' Unions come together with administrators to discuss common issues. What are Majors' Unions supposed to do? How do they work? Where do they get funding? It'll be really interesting, I think, for students who have run Majors' Unions to talk about their challenges and their experiences, for students who are trying to start them to learn how to do so and how to structure their organizations, and for administrators to give us an idea from their side of things what they want Majors' Unions to do and accomplish.

Michael, Price, and I will finalize the details of the meeting soon and start contacting students. If you're reading this and you've ever considered starting a Majors' Union or would like to start one, email me!! cgc8 at I just went through the process for the English Majors' Union and I'd love to help you out; it'd also be great to get as many interested students as possible at the Round Table.

That's about it for now. peace



Prashant said...

Wohoooo DSG has a blog. That's awesome.

How about a Minor's Union?

Or a Major's Confederacy?

Chelsea Goldstein said...

Haha, I think we're hoping minors will join the majors' union. but maybe only count as 3/5 of a person?