Friday, February 27, 2009

New Draft Constitution

Hey everyone,
Wednesday was a big day in the Senate. We passed a draft a new DSG Constitution. I've been working with the Rules Committee on preparing this document to completely replace the current constitution for about two months.

The draft new Constitution will soon be on the DSG website for you to read and review. The student body must pass it in referendum for it to come into force. It will appear on the Exec election ballot on March 31st.

These are some of the major changes from the present Constitution:

VP titles
The name of the Senate
The allocation of representation
The distinction between DSG and the student body
The budgetary process/SOFC
The signing of legislation
Separation of the "Joint Statement of Rights and Freedoms of Students"
Reduction in mandatory Cabinet members
Reduction in ex-officio Senators
Clarification of recess/vacancy appointments
Referendum requirements

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me an email (

The other members of the drafting committee were:
Senator Ryan Clark (ACS '12)
Senator Ben Getson (AA '11)
Senator Alex Levy (AA '11)
Senator Andrew Schreiber (AA '11)
Former Attorney General Will Passo ('11)

I'll keep you updated as we move through the process. Thanks!

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