Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Seven Days Notice

Hey All,
The referendum on the new constitution will take place at the same time as the DSG Exec elections on March 31st. You will receive an email from DSG with a link to the election site. From there you just sign in with your net ID and vote.

If you haven't already done so, please read the proposed document. It is available on the DSG website: http://student.groups.duke.edu/Duke_Student_Government

There is a link to the word document under the governance section.

This post serves as a public notification given before the referendum as required by the current constitution.

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Premajor Advising and One-Year Master's

Hey all,

I hope you all are having a great week and excited for spring break (I know that I am!). I wanted to let you know about two things that the Academic Affairs Committee has been working on:

1. Premajor advising: Dean McLendon has agreed to make premajor advising count as the equivalent to an independent study for the faculty accelerated leave policy. In non-administrator talk, this means that faculty have more of an incentive to become premajor advisors. Now, it's our turn. I encourage you to email your favorite professor and ask them to be a premajor advisor next year. It's not a huge time commitment, and it will really make a difference for the class of 2013 (oh man, I'm old) and beyond. We'll be putting together a letter, so email me (cpg5@duke.edu) if you're interested.

2. Master's in Management Studies: The one year master's program in Fuqua has been passed by the Faculty, Graduate, and Professional School Affairs Committee to the Board of Trustees. The Chronicle wrote on it today: http://media.www.dukechronicle.com/media/storage/paper884/news/2009/03/03/News/1Yr-Business.Degree.Gains.Momentum-3656938.shtml. Tell ALL your senior friends and email me with any questions (again, cpg5@duke.edu).

Thanks for all your feedback,
