Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Premajor Advising and One-Year Master's

Hey all,

I hope you all are having a great week and excited for spring break (I know that I am!). I wanted to let you know about two things that the Academic Affairs Committee has been working on:

1. Premajor advising: Dean McLendon has agreed to make premajor advising count as the equivalent to an independent study for the faculty accelerated leave policy. In non-administrator talk, this means that faculty have more of an incentive to become premajor advisors. Now, it's our turn. I encourage you to email your favorite professor and ask them to be a premajor advisor next year. It's not a huge time commitment, and it will really make a difference for the class of 2013 (oh man, I'm old) and beyond. We'll be putting together a letter, so email me (cpg5@duke.edu) if you're interested.

2. Master's in Management Studies: The one year master's program in Fuqua has been passed by the Faculty, Graduate, and Professional School Affairs Committee to the Board of Trustees. The Chronicle wrote on it today: http://media.www.dukechronicle.com/media/storage/paper884/news/2009/03/03/News/1Yr-Business.Degree.Gains.Momentum-3656938.shtml. Tell ALL your senior friends and email me with any questions (again, cpg5@duke.edu).

Thanks for all your feedback,


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